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[英文] 外国诗歌:如果有来生 [複製鏈接]

外国诗歌:如果有来生8 A: S4 H8 J: x' l4 Y0 c) l
- c( _2 J6 |* s/ A6 ]. E( [
  If I had my life to live over...I would have talkedless and listened more.
3 g, S' a2 l  ^8 N  I would have invited friends over to dinner evenif the carpet was strained and the sofa faded.' ?. E& d. H( j' A
  I would have taken the time to listen to mygrandfather ramble about his youth.
" d/ e" z* d7 s& m2 [5 f  I would never have insisted the car windows berolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.- {2 z; q3 {8 P$ B& a( S
  I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.8 i. C! ?& q; v6 _& k8 g
  I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.
# y& i  T" C1 k& S' d  I would have cried and laughed less while watching television - and more while watchinglife.
+ @, K% y9 S' s: ]6 q  I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into aholding patter if I were not there for the day.
4 ^: a9 Y% k3 q- ]  I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, would not show soil orwas guaranteed to last a life time.  J3 k  V0 `& z! Q3 _) P) J
  There would have been more "I love yous" ... more "I'm sorrys"... but mostly, given anothershots at life, I would seize every minute... look at it and really see it...live it...and never give itback.
( l; z/ w% ^! ]- j* D( z  如果有来生,我会少说,多听9 ~1 u9 x7 V% f( `8 G  m
9 E; A; \; h. ^1 a  我会抽时间听祖父絮叨他的青年时代
- A% A: O6 z% ]8 W+ K* x4 E  我不会因为刚刚把头发梳理定型而要求在夏天关上车窗。% Z2 I( R/ _2 i5 P$ |
  我会点燃那支雕成玫瑰状的蜡烛,而不让它在尘封中熔化。- U. R+ p* ^& S, J3 X4 U
  我会与孩子们坐在草地上,不去担心草地上的污渍。1 c  A; M& l- j5 L6 ?3 k* K5 A
5 S5 i1 W/ E3 D7 v* c5 K  如果生病了,我会卧床休息,而不是自认没有我,地球就不转了。+ G! V' j& L4 E. `' s' A
1 l& Y$ ?3 M# @; e! b  我会更多地说“我爱你”……“对不起”……然而,最重要的是,如果有来生,6 p4 u! X) C+ q7 v
  我会抓住每一秒……看人生,读人生……体验人生……再也不放手。) W" T4 |& r, C7 g7 Z3 W0 d/ h, V
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