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[英文] 名家诗歌译文赏析:影子的一课

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名家诗歌译文赏析:影子的一课  STAND still, and I will read to thee
( P, [' X& c6 t8 ^3 k0 H# {  请站一下,听我给你讲一课,/ f8 a; K  L+ i! Q6 r
  A lecture, Love, in Love's philosophy.0 x' l1 @% o; ?& W3 V
  亲爱的,讲讲爱的哲学。! `9 R2 U6 w6 k2 ]' _* I
  These three hours that we have spent,
% N* `' A$ e: @% \* I: M4 P; z( X) Z  我们在此散步已经三个小时,  N7 X+ j% {  W# H& E. B9 b
  Walking here, two shadows went& C" q$ ^' w- K* D
4 Q" l7 F! i2 x2 S5 `  Along with us, which we ourselves produced.  O5 @8 {( ^6 t" ]* q5 i: R4 b' J
  这影子本产自我们自己;" c6 r% z% ]* U$ c" @& w1 S) N
  But, now the sun is just above our head,
3 ^3 c- F% _8 n  而现在太阳已恰好照着头顶,/ M7 J: w" y2 }! [& R' s' G
  We do those shadows tread,
6 m4 D0 g8 H, h- D! x9 F! y  我们踩着自己的影,# ?8 c9 R" T4 C0 z0 ~
  And to brave clearness all things are reduced.# g" P; [% q8 P3 L+ @! `: d. _
  一切东西都显得美丽、清晰。% D# Q8 ^) P$ x* I/ Q
  So whilst our infant loves did grow,
$ D  F# p+ y! q0 K# t% `. H/ w, F# L  我们的爱苗也这样成长,5 K) y' T4 w; j4 O% i
  Disguises did, and shadows, flow
/ B* W/ ?/ I$ g" V  我们的遮盖掩饰也这样9 v4 t: d+ |$ v+ D
  From us and our cares ; but now 'tis not so.2 S# n7 O. h- o1 D
  渐渐消逝。但如今不再这样。1 D* t5 j, N% w7 W! h5 r& l) x
  That love hath not attain'd the highest degree,
# X- a) [" q! f: Y$ J" M4 q  那种爱情还未升上最高点,
# {3 o: @+ T- ?  ~  Which is still diligent lest others see.
0 b, w$ U+ s+ d. d9 e2 v4 _  当它还在竭力躲避旁人的眼。
7 M4 H8 [, c1 h7 I# W2 |2 b* J( e; H  Except our loves at this noon stay,; c+ m, V' n3 S( I; e- P
5 K4 U) q. [% `- _0 I  We shall new shadows make the other way.
9 D3 q' z/ Q- ~' B; f0 [  我们会在另一面造出新的影子。
% R8 I4 J0 U1 ~. [2 a- A0 }  As the first were made to blind2 k  y2 h" w4 W2 Z* o) o
  起初的影子用来骗旁人,& R4 N- P- Y! d  Q
  Others, these which come behind
; x! I7 Q/ v  `& h( `  后来的影子用来骗我们——) Z* n1 J) e3 [+ \( x9 b) e
  Will work upon ourselves, and blind our eyes.4 Q$ Q0 c  r5 y2 L1 k. {/ Z6 B
  对付自己,蒙骗自己的双眼。# a6 Y  q3 E4 B- k$ y4 }% _  i. ^# m
  If our loves faint, and westerwardly decline,
! E# O/ C# u: g  Z7 W8 E  假如我们的爱情渐渐削弱,
; @. x  @) V$ ~% @4 e9 w( v  To me thou, falsely, thine
; |8 z& C9 V  d& R! x  就会我对你、你对我
$ K6 @2 X; F" W; M  And I to thee mine actions shall disguise.' C' A1 S) I, }4 b! ]1 P
  把各自的行为遮遮掩掩。& H$ T' i( r4 u$ E0 d
  The morning shadows wear away,
9 g8 R- q  z7 \  上午的影子浙渐耗完,
# t. ^2 x. |& E4 U  But these grow longer all the day ;& c  F) \8 U! q2 j
6 Z4 ^8 N) c- M" R; r. h  But O ! love's day is short, if love decay./ G" f) j- \. N( K8 {1 d; m- A6 d
- X3 ~# U8 T8 I- R+ Z1 R$ ?7 H/ f  Love is a growing, or full constant light,) [1 a- [5 `, f; Y" H6 j; f0 M7 z
  爱以饱满不移的光照临世界,$ ]' W2 O+ @: T) C; j& r
  And his short minute, after noon, is night.' R& d6 a2 }% {+ s
& l: K' b; l8 [/ I- o% \5 \) _$ l/ w
' m$ F! H7 i$ G+ h


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