- 註冊時間
- 2010-4-24
- 精華
- 在線時間
- 小時
- 米币
- 最後登錄
- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:4 天 連續簽到:1 天
人物档案:; _1 A3 T# T5 N" F& g6 I
1 P! g8 V/ a& x/ q6 R姓名:Alektra Blue* y! [0 @$ l/ u; L' c2 B" G
5 a1 k6 }" V7 s3 w6 o. G3 b出生地:美国亚利桑那州菲尼克斯, o0 l% r$ k, Z5 D) H
配偶:Pat Myne
2 P3 q# \& ?6 i+ I) S0 w身高:1.68 m
; z: k5 v8 E4 p, V体重:50 kg8 C3 [( O* Y; w2 E2 Q7 S: R
三围:34D-24-34) S" O7 |, t* N* e! B- G8 s
眼睛颜色:绿色# @* ~% y" G3 E% V$ K$ O6 H
头发颜色:黑色, ^0 t3 R/ c) j% l( O# E
, _- \2 P. o: A! H' i5 h1 H
w& [' |( Z. s' v2 q( ?
5 i0 z5 n, p/ K6 }: q2 B+ R1 u! [' M" p& I
) q# ~& r/ [, R2 ^- C5 ^- @个人简介:: Z# \9 O& A- @% Y5 M( r4 T" D1 N0 ~
. Y& R: D; k: n) P( B5 |Alektra Blue生于1983年6月9日,是一名美国色情女演员。Blue出生在美国亚利桑那州的菲尼克斯,但是她成长主要在德克萨斯州的达拉斯。她进入成人电影业是在2005年。她最好的朋友Taryn Thomas引导她进入色情界。她与导演兼演员Pat Myne结婚,不过现在两人离婚了。在2008年4月, Blue当选了《Penthouse》月度宠儿并与Wicked Pictures签约。Blue还出现在Lady Gaga和Beyonce2010合作的单曲“Telephone”的MV中。并与另一位Wicked Pictures专属签约女星Kaylani Lei一道出现在《自由联合言论》2010年4月刊的“全体明星反对盗版”中。3 n6 O' ~/ s# k+ X( C! ]2 x
7 N! g9 i- e5 z4 e r ^% c & u8 }+ d8 I8 V" i* B% A
p8 a% @; e; E+ u) h
" V. Y6 q# d' T" E& h3 T
$ w+ ?, B0 S+ n, P0 D背景资料:, ~/ M3 a5 W- t* {
+ |3 S9 r1 W& c( _% u/ {Alektra Blue目前居住在加利福尼亚州,过着自己节奏的生活。她是一个随和,开朗,可爱,实在的女孩。喜欢各种体育运动,像足球,排球,旅行和参加拉拉队表演。她在14之前都很好动。14开始性萌动,而后自然而然的喜欢上了性爱。之后她开始人生旅途上的冒险,闯荡亚利桑那州。她在那生活了8年,做过酒吧服务生,在舞厅跳过舞,表现时尚秀。她很喜欢跳舞。但做爱是她的最爱。她因为要读书的关系,她返回了德州。2个月之后,她在亚利桑那州的朋友Taryn Thomas打电话邀请她从事成人电影工作,她答应两人。Taryn告诉Alektra Blue,她在性方面很擅长,是从事成人事业理想的人选。于是她帮Blue订了一张飞往洛杉矶的机票,Alektra Blue开始了她的色情女演员生涯。5 s' Y/ \* M. C
Y/ L8 l8 w% s1 Q7 x! u5 J

; [1 r4 x: O9 B
- t/ N/ r) @' [/ m1 b6 k8 C5 |
1 \+ A6 ^7 D! d6 _ O' e
获得奖项:- N! C& \; B5 S( N2 l: z1 `* m
9 O! h8 B8 q, S2006 F.A.M.E.奖——最受欢迎的新星
$ ^3 ]- l5 A8 I* O2 v9 P: l+ m2010 AVN 奖——最佳群交场景(2040)
' k; u/ b1 x" F* h* K0 U# G8 ^
1 G" _4 l( g+ R6 N, n7 A3 J* _6 _# C
- o# L/ z9 r9 h: L, Q影片列表:
7 X" J' r, e4 n& T" G
! n! e! _" X6 h8 Z2 l+ B7 |6 n1. Dreamgirl (2010) (V)
) p7 d4 L2 V" r9 S2. Love in an Elevator (2010) (V) 5 l/ y3 l c: N9 l: l. h( r2 b: |
3. Lust (2010) (V) $ }1 o+ E; r% t( ^ z! _
4. Maid to Order (2010) (V) ) D, y% E: O% ~* r
5. Studio 69 (2010) (V) 7 S2 U) V( \: s
6. The Vow (2010) (V)
! P6 F. S5 [2 C5 D; e7. Reinvented (2009) (V) (as Alektra Blue) .... Claudia : B& y( q' {; Q7 `, f
8. Lies (2009) (V) .... Felecia
T0 u" g6 a6 v+ T( @1 j3 j8 I9. 2040 (2009) (V) .... Mira ! R) x* ]7 r) F
10. Spin the Bottle (2009) (V)
- j* a' U; _9 v# [$ r# X( E0 k& @11. Educating Alli (2009) (V) .... Alli " d" n, V3 H" |# L& @5 d0 o
12. Mobster's Ball 2 (2009) (V) 3 k8 x) V1 L1 X' ]5 @% ^( |* A' n- o7 C
13. House of Wicked (2009) (V) 2 `7 m0 Y% X) K+ w r
14. Girl Meets Boy (2009) (V) .... Aly
$ C+ X$ }# Y; X G6 }& C+ k2 B15. The Gifted (2009) (V) .... Lucy / T1 Z" F b4 _' P# X$ F! ?
16. Interactive Sex with Jenna Haze (2009) (V)
" G1 W; D$ B n$ f5 P& k17. DreamGirlz 2 (2009) (V) ' N" p; U7 r8 ?$ J& w
18. Alektra's Dirty Mind (2009) (V) ; F* u% @5 f* v
3 p9 s" T* |7 t) Q$ [. Q8 A2 ?: l

/ O' \$ r: u, x! }# q+ @& K8 n
4 _2 R: v0 S: V6 J19. Battle of the Babes: Alektra Blue vs. Amy Ried (2009) (V)
8 l, |' w8 \/ L9 J$ T20. Dinner at Frankie's (2009) (V) 3 o7 O" J# P! N) P9 T+ ~
21. Friends 4 Life (2009) (V)
5 Y3 A# t& ]& B. e% x$ ~9 Q22. Hush (2009/II) (V)
7 S4 d* z- ^+ ~* ]23. Sex on Set (2009) (V)
. G$ f' B# }' j* T( e i24. Uptown Girl (2009) (V)
1 m4 l2 A1 g& B; |. E25. Writer's Bullpen (2009) (V)
2 a( [' Z0 U* d26. Alektra-fied (2008) (V) ; b: t: ` Z4 i/ t+ z3 d3 |+ p- {
27. Last Call (2008) (V) . P9 A# V5 n0 M O* l i$ k
28. Sexy Bitch (2008) (V)
7 Y% Z* |- [7 }* c8 {" q29. Fantasy All-Stars 9 (2008) (V)
' A; \) A1 n# X/ R/ ~6 {* M! W30. Up Skirts (2008) (V) + a- ^+ R$ m& C+ W) g: P7 p$ N
31. Fallen (2008) (V) (as Alektra Blue) .... Sex Booth Girl
: |3 K5 s0 D5 }( s+ y" P s _32. Roller Dollz (2008) (V) (as Alektra Blue) .... Killa Watts 7 W5 A( ?( U2 h8 I6 v" M
33. Cockstar (2008) (V) .... Girl Group " U% F0 {8 C/ f9 E* V! S' V
34. Predator 2: The Return (2008) (V) (as Alektra Blue) .... Stage Girl
/ H5 n& X( K: W6 Z8 w: O35. Bree & Kayden (2008) (V) ) R+ z+ ~4 Q0 C5 _- e% P% B
36. Making Amends (2008) (V)
5 `' ?* ]" `: B
0 O! s% X, {6 `- [3 W ( p! [% m, r ~$ p; H9 o7 X
8 P* `; e. }- k( D1 L4 w6 y
37. Anal Asspirations 9 (2008) (V) (as Alektra Blue) 7 ^, d1 k) w$ I1 `, m
38. Apprentass 10 (2008) (V)
1 ]& _. ^; R1 I$ t39. Apprentass 9 (2008) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
- l2 `3 f8 v& o; w9 o40. Dreams & Desires (2008) (V) " |& w- g+ C1 R- i" Z
41. Drowning in Bitch Juice 3 (2008) (V) / \( \) u: H+ o7 }! Z7 f& k
42. Face Invaders 3 (2008) (V) 8 d2 [0 Z9 ^! B- j1 r
43. Fame (2008) (V) / A& H1 }; a* t" z
44. Forever Is the Night (2008) (V) , Q& ~( X, y" }% }' y9 b
45. Heaven or Hell (2008) (V)
: e6 m1 [( E) s# T# s" N( e; b46. Housewives Hunting Housewives (2008) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
6 B$ |" ~- M! [* |, A* C47. Jana Cova: Scream (2008) (V) $ m3 ^6 g: F/ B7 I8 r' l* x. b
48. Lips 2 Lips (2008) (V) . G. l1 Y+ u4 i) o. o5 E2 ?
49. Load Warriors (2008) (V) ) B" i6 i1 d$ }) I
50. Lucky Lesbians 3 (2008) (V)
& y2 D- ?# l# s# N' o: p3 v# Y51. Naked Aces 4 (2008) (V)
! N# l8 s/ K+ ]& F1 Z1 o52. Need for Seed 2 (2008) (V)
1 Z4 p2 w& r- Y6 e53. Only in Your Dreams 2 (2008) (V) 8 t, j; n. G! `
54. Pretty as They Cum (2008) (V)
+ b/ A- t4 I; s% E8 ^2 Q
. T. _4 g; {2 Y# j0 X 2 p" v4 S Q6 Q# T$ q
3 R0 s7 @* x- _; r+ y, l1 f0 e5 s
55. Pretty Pussies Please 4 (2008) (V)
, F3 v% `0 l3 D. D. a56. Seduction (2008) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
+ }. F K% c ]$ J9 O57. Sex in Dangerous Places (2008) (V) 1 l! ^( {4 v. T4 `
58. Shades of Romona (2008) (V)
8 Y7 D7 p5 H) ]3 F' c59. Spunk'd 8 (2008) (V)
; q4 ^+ k7 @1 w6 I4 i60. Stuff Dreams Are Made Of (2008) (V) $ U9 m- f* R& T; K e/ Q& d
61. Swap Meat (2008) (V) 5 j0 v7 ~; q9 ] t4 w
62. Tease Before the Please 2 (2008) (V) , t( m f: Z+ j* m/ u" X
63. The Creamery 3 (2008) (V) " v4 q6 e/ P. R a- k4 w
64. The Cream Team 2 (2008) (V) Q) E4 O- |8 R* y! {" K
65. The Trouble with Young Girls (2008) (V)
8 o" ]4 T7 c# C U- `% D66. Top Ten (2008) (V) , j$ ]2 s' ^4 v% _6 n' r8 L
67. Totally Fucked 2 (2008) (V) 7 E* f3 ~- Z2 [8 b/ w' j3 D
68. What Girls Like (2008) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
. \% f" W- ^- p+ a: H9 Y* y69. Who's Killing the Pets? (2008) (V) 8 |2 H3 i' U0 N
70. Young, Hot & Bothered 3 (2008) (V)
$ X" Z0 V0 q% B, z ?... aka "All Bisexual Teens" - USA (alternative title)
& z5 v8 E1 K' K) v0 J71. Babysitters (2007) (V) (as Alektra Blue) .... Housewife #3
$ F% r/ K5 F+ x. W72. The Predator (2007) (V) (as Alektra Blue) .... Office Girl : V" L) H; D! }
, g! P4 ?4 G. G5 F" e" `& {' R9 i4 F
% q8 S* t+ Z2 I+ l0 a: S: [! I7 Z( p3 h
/ o$ T* q% y( \4 ~73. I Love Sammie (2007) (V) 3 N- K( z) Y# \# V$ d7 R7 Q1 u
74. Ass Cream 2 (2007) (V) 8 d; \* ?- p1 l+ ]4 ?
75. Babes Illustrated 16 (2007) (V) - c: I; o/ ?7 t+ D/ c! |" j8 b
... aka "Kitty Lovin' Girls" - USA (alternative title)
3 z# B) t3 f# ~ K5 l& Z6 ~76. Black Worm (2007) (V) ) `: p7 U: K: Q) U H1 H
77. Brunettes Do It Better (2007) (V) 4 f7 S# C- u& I
78. Filled to the Rim 5 (2007) (V) * x7 u* Q5 J) }# @! c7 z) E" `
79. Girls Will Be Girls (2007) (V) ; Z# y/ {# R$ j# w
80. Inside Jobs 3 (2007) (V)
& O( \7 r; Q$ H% }4 J1 u( [+ h; V81. Jesse Jane: Image (2007) (V) ( X/ z2 p+ m$ o. d& f2 N: |6 d
82. Lethal Injections 5 (2007) (V)
# u/ p/ a, {- w! j83. Naughty America 4 Her (2007) (V) * }% W: g3 n! o' b4 B& k4 ~
84. Off the Clock & on the Cock! (2007) (V)
! L Z" ^# n2 A2 F, J85. Pop Shots 8 (2007) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
; v& m& _/ S" t0 c& s* S86. Power Play (2007) (V) 4 Q. N9 k6 l$ K& D; Q
... aka "Svengali" - USA (alternative title)
; F1 V9 p. c4 _/ s87. Slippery When Wet (2007) (V) 6 k" R" }' G( l1 h8 D9 `# l1 ^
88. The Creamery (2007) (V) # ~; R2 ~! y; P3 t) H
89. Video Nasty: Stoya (2007) (V) & l: E9 n! `4 `$ ^, C( h' ?
90. Secretary's Day (2006) (V) (as Alektra Blue) . p) X: \) F' V l; d
4 ` U9 H; F' x/ ~; k) @

! a, _3 |4 p9 K c/ w2 f4 E8 u: ^& z1 r
91. American Daydreams 3 (2006) (V)
; q& B; f. S8 i. `9 |92. Decline of Western Civilization Part 69: The Porno Years (2006) (V) . u7 z* {. A% l
93. First Time Swallows Vol. 2 (2006) (V) (as Alektra Blue) - ~7 U: _: } b' i# d
94. Art of Love (2006) (V) . e, L S9 q4 ?/ _# q
95. Angels of Debauchery 5 (2006) (V) (as Alektra Blue) : G' ~6 F' W7 o# \- ^: v# I
96. 50 to 1 4 (2006) (V)
6 p% p3 {; T' p4 Y/ A) B97. A Good Source of Iron 6 (2006) (V) 2 @- [* p; b A+ Y3 d/ P
98. All Alone (2006) (V) 2 W3 j, I$ T+ ~) [) c7 r' `0 L. W1 d
99. American Ass 5 (2006) (V)
* e8 @5 w( S! R9 `. v100. Blow Me Sandwich 10 (2006) (V) $ p6 J$ A/ L; N8 m( j
101. Bring Your A Game 3 (2006) (V)
! Z5 g# ]* |& v( ~102. Bubble Asscious (2006) (V)
( a5 c3 o; N# Z& P7 x103. Cherry Bomb (2006) (V) (as Alektra Blue) .... Jaz h3 J. o& f- F9 @/ J
... aka "Bang Her Hot Cherry" - USA (alternative title)
7 ^6 o9 s- q/ V1 l# i. k" \... aka "Bang My Cherry" - USA (alternative title) - e5 X8 L+ C: b9 @, z8 P* ^
104. Control 2 (2006) (V)
3 l1 u1 b* V% b" l Y2 N/ m4 E105. Control 3 (2006) (V) (as Alektra Blue) ; i, T" }$ D8 u$ M. m! Y# i% P
106. Cum Buckets! 5 (2006) (V)
$ ^" W- u& _9 C3 Q- B; w* h4 V0 O107. Cum Hungry Leave Full 3 (2006) (V) ) u2 t! t1 r8 W- S
108. Cumstains 8 (2006) (V)
( `0 |- @4 X6 A$ a% P1 _8 R& N- z. U$ A. q

: s( Z+ {; l# j8 X, A0 z7 q* \% t( H" l& i) ]: H
109. Deeper 5 (2006) (V)
9 v' a Z, r' D: L: z7 m3 p& v4 h110. Double Decker Sandwich 9 (2006) (V)
9 H" Z8 {1 x' A+ T- I9 H6 i111. Drowning in Bitch Juice (2006) (V)
2 S' _" ~; r# p6 l1 u& ?" q0 X112. Finger Licking Good 3 (2006) (V) (as Alektra Blue) / r/ F& j5 S Q9 c5 ^
113. First Offense 17 (2006) (V)
s. v! X6 z1 G4 V114. Hookers (2006) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
) L* t, L2 h" h115. Juice (2006) (V) : q8 K6 c) r* [: |, l
116. Just My Ass Please 5 (2006) (V) + }7 ~. N9 U, ~8 J4 g: v7 T
117. Lethal Injections 4 (2006) (V)
' |2 F! c$ A# F p0 u; C A118. Monster Meat (2006) (V)
, n) G4 i9 W8 n" t8 O119. Myne Fucked (2006) (V)
8 L' ~5 p ~/ L120. Myne Tease 5 (2006) (V)
- x; c. X! M3 w121. My Sister's Hot Friend 3 (2006) (V) 7 p; l" k0 f" k9 C( T* v8 h$ o
122. MyXXXPornSpace.com (2006) (V)
8 \' q- V6 s/ ?) x+ F. N123. Naked Secrets (2006) (TV) (as Alectra Blue) .... Trix
; ]1 `8 W, \$ i( ^+ P5 x. m' j' f! {124. Nasty Girls Wide Open (2006) (V)
9 Y& b% \8 @! y$ V& i& ~% n' b125. No Man's Land: Interracial Edition 9 (2006) (V) ( J, G6 u$ J* j" t
126. Nylons (2006) (V)
! u2 @( V& R( U# d. p5 {# Z
! |8 a y7 j! P! B. N+ I( b8 k. Q
( v% {( V9 o/ i- B
2 R7 `$ |% I2 X0 u3 s4 x# }127. Phat Ass Tits 4 (2006) (V) . E( J- K7 g% U6 s* v6 S
128. P.O.V. (2006/II) (V)
: J- j3 h$ K, ?129. Pure Sextacy (2006) (V)
( m4 Q H0 ^- ~' p9 v130. Pussy Cats (2006) (V)
4 {. D, d) n9 f0 s# k9 N- B" p131. Pussy Foot'n 17 (2006) (V)
& i. Q, p5 L3 V4 g8 R. _7 }132. SoCal Coeds 3 (2006) (V)
# b! |: k; |# e) |133. South Beach Invasion (2006) (V) % ~+ Y% w; a/ w$ k
134. Spunk'd 4 (2006) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
$ s1 {* X" d9 G- v. q135. Spunk'd 5 (2006) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
- B) Q! @* [2 f+ c136. Spunk'd 6 (2006) (V) d" j2 n) @- x' Z+ U: ^2 B7 [1 w
137. Swallow Myne (2006) (V) 0 `" a7 }+ Y3 z% @ g- c3 X7 @
138. Teen Cum Dumpsters 2 (2006) (V) ( |% d+ J! c$ ~0 K: z, N
139. Teens in Toyland 3 (2006) (V) . q p2 _, D3 I- Z
140. The 4 Finger Club 23 (2006) (V)
! H# i9 P% p# E9 C8 L2 h/ F0 y/ `141. The Ass Watcher 5 (2006) (V) 3 x6 t8 Y! s q8 j+ R6 e. e
142. The Ties That Bind (2006) (V) (as Alektra Blue) $ j9 l6 r/ x9 b, F( [; P9 P1 x. Y. D& l
143. The Visitor (2006) (V)
) a0 f3 Z( g0 V: s$ V5 w144. Who's Next in Porn? 5 (2006) (V) - n* C r! ~0 E7 G" K7 i6 f
2 M( }9 n# s4 f# R. W& P6 ^' E. x
8 p6 x( w, D) f% e+ I) `& h
" D. x9 C7 d& U$ M% X% x i145. Young Cummers 3 (2006) (V)
* }: b( b4 d" Z( H5 N146. Young Cummers 4 (2006) (V) 6 K5 }' k9 Z7 ~, H6 g
147. Apprentass 4 (2005) (V)
[' T- U; n! g0 n) N+ K148. House Wife Bangers Vol. 2 (2005) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
+ l; V. j0 J: k4 H149. Suck It Dry (2005) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
/ P; {( R5 H: D' b150. Cum Fart Cocktails 2 (2005) (V) .... DVD only * L r* H2 u/ B; b
151. 1 Dick 2 Chicks 4 (2005) (V)
( K) P4 N$ R2 [. e& S' F6 A1 Q152. Anal Prostitutes on Video 3 (2005) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
8 p1 G! }8 K+ K9 P1 Q" a153. A Perverted Point of View 10 (2005) (V)
, M' `5 T7 U1 X8 b. I154. Ass Appeal 3 (2005) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
+ w- ]& c* {1 @7 z+ ~/ L155. Ass Attack (2005) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
. c0 t/ i; x, }4 d& w8 p/ v156. Asswhole 2 (2005) (V) (as Alektra Blue) . ?- e, E6 A$ v" F# ~/ ^# w4 k& j
157. Bitches in Heat 2 (2005) (V)
/ X, V0 |) V- y6 G' j5 ~% V' M158. Cum Craving Teens 3 (2005) (V)
8 @" _* E( u; [% x; j159. Cum on in 2 (2005) (V) ' G- E9 y, a$ h9 h. H4 I
160. Fresh Pink (2005) (V) # U% z. f U a- D
161. Fucking School Girls (2005) (V) 8 T8 z5 }5 ?! _5 {) D5 v
162. Gag Factor 18 (2005) (V)
0 Y; y2 ~: Z1 y5 b' B x3 y6 \6 {; b) X
, {, A* i V$ s4 S
- L' r' n) M6 j$ {
163. Girls Love Girls (2005) (V)
4 L, _, ^+ T4 F( y( f; R164. Goo 4 Two 2 (2005) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
* U5 _0 a o5 U/ z" {165. Hand to Mouth (2005) (V)
: ~/ u h: g1 ~% {" f$ x4 D166. Hellfire Sex (2005) (V) s) I& T' m4 b7 m
... aka "Khan Tusion's Hellfire Sex" - USA (DVD box title)
+ L7 B# C/ ^7 A8 T) |+ G1 [9 m167. I Love Big Toys 2 (2005) (V)
- O3 i: e; b3 X7 D7 i168. Internal Cumbustion 8 (2005) (V)
: E4 }3 j+ ^1 m# s5 x169. Internal Discharge (2005) (V) 8 w0 v$ E$ f8 m( O
170. Juicy G-Spots 3 (2005) (V) " s; g4 k2 x. j2 [6 o( U. H
171. Lesbian Training (2005) (V) 9 @; f) s |7 r' S5 V' d, V
172. McKenzie Illustrated (2005) (V)
/ q6 ]* F2 L+ b |173. Myne Tease 4 (2005) (V) ! O" j8 b( w0 L+ u+ ~) Y
174. Out Numbered 3 (2005) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
. _4 ]! [) `7 x8 u8 b175. P.O.V. 8 (2005) (V)
& n5 n/ j2 S m( m. Y... aka "Peter North's P.O.V. 8" - USA (complete title) J$ P5 |& [3 s9 I
176. Road Head (2005) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
3 Y& [$ O9 N( E8 m9 U2 w0 ~177. Scream (2005) (V) ! f! C! `/ q0 {4 t! x
178. Spunk'd 2 (2005) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
2 o$ R( `# @4 o5 ?7 R179. Spunk'd 3 (2005) (V) (as Alektra Blue)
# f: H7 m8 z4 }8 T7 v) q9 d% p3 h180. Stroke It Out 1 (2005) (V) / O2 R1 ^3 @7 q+ p8 q5 U0 K
181. Where's the Cum? (2005) (V) |